P.O. Box: 106049; Abu Dhabi: Office 1803, Electra St. & Dubai: Office 107, Al Garhoud

Hazard Recognition Training

Prepare warehouse workers to safely recognize safety and health risks

Creating a culture of safety requires every employee in the workplace to be knowledgeable in identifying hazardous situations from chemicals to faulty equipment that could pose safety risks or OSHA penalties. VR Hazard Recognition challenges employees to use and apply their knowledge of OSHA General Industry standards to locate dangerous health and safety risks and make corrections where appropriate. This safety training puts employees in control to reduce workplace hazards and meet safety requirements.

what you'll learn

This safety training will test the following hazard knowledge:

• Protection – Properly donning the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the workplace environment
• Identification – Hazard recognition including properly identifying and classifying potential hazards
• Correction – Recommending corrective actions for identified hazards

Workers will be able to review their training score and refer back to OSHA documentation on the hazards that they incorrectly classified or failed to appropriately control or correct.

The VR Experience

Participants in this virtual reality scenario will have access to two different hazardous warehouse environments—a traditional storage warehouse and one storing chemicals. Once the warehouse environment is chosen, the user is taken to a preparation room with PPE. The trainee must inspect and properly apply the safety equipment. They can then enter the warehouse and begin their hazard identification. Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are available for employees to review. Once the employee has finished their assessment, they leave the warehouse. The worker can then reenter the warehouse where items are colored red, yellow, or green to indicate which hazards they identified correctly and can access the information to review errors. Depending upon employer requirements for the hazard assessment, it may be possible to retry the VR simulation as needed. These critical OSHA safety skills in a “real world” assessment challenge. The assessment takes place at a construction site on a high rise building and evaluates their demonstrated knowledge of working at heights safely. If the worker makes any mistakes during the training, there is an appropriate consequence experienced such as: getting fired for taking too long to comply with the supervisor’s request, falling and sustaining injury due to damaged equipment, fatal injury during scaffolding collapse, and injuring a bystander by dropping a tool. Proper fall protection can also be demonstrated with surviving a scaffolding collapse when the worker successfully meets the OSHA requirements.

Make an enquiry

If you would like to make an enquiry about the CompEx Foundation plus (ExF) or require further information about any of our qualifications, please contact us by completing our enquiry form.

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